In consideration of the fees and coaching services exchanges, Lydia Bachmeier (“Company”) and You (“Client”) agree to the following terms and conditions contained herein:
CONFIDENTIALITY Your identity and any of the information revealed between parties during sessions is confidential and cannot be released without consent. Confidentiality will remain intact even after the coaching term has ended. The confidentiality clause does not apply to communications that disclose intent to cause harm to yourself or others.
INVESTMENT Your investment in this virtual workshop and online course is $297 (two hundred ninety-seven dollars) paid in full which includes:
- 7 virtual training modules
- 7+ guided techniques
- Workbook
- Access to private community
- Access to open coaching and Q&A calls
Upon completion of this agreement, the Client has the option of upgrading to a new package or individual coaching according to the Company’s rates or fees at that time. The term shall begin upon your execution and the Company’s receipt of this agreement.
PAYMENT Client agrees to pay $297 (two hundred ninety-seven dollars)
14-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE If Client is not fully satisfied with this program within 14 days of purchase Client may request a full refund. Client must have completed all modules, lessons, trainings, techniques, and workbook. Proof of completed workbook must be shown to Company in order to receive refund. Client may submit requests to [email protected].
PROCEDURE Workshop modules are available for viewing on Company website. Open coaching and Q&A sessions occur on Zoom video call and the Client agrees to any charges incurred from Client’s phone service provider. Call replays available for Client is he/she cannot attend live.
YOUR ROLE Both parties agree that any coaching within the sessions may address specific life/business projects, life/business successes or general conditions in the workplace, relationships, communication skills, organizational skills, health goals, career paths, spiritual guidance, goal setting and more. Additional coaching services may include value and priority clarification, brainstorming, identifying action plans, examining modes of operating in life, asking clarifying questions, and making empowering requests or suggestions for action. Both parties agree that successful coaching relationships require a co-active collaborative approach with the Client and Company. In the relationship, Company plays a role of a facilitator of change and it is the Client’s responsibility to enact or to bring about the desired change. The Client can, at any point during coaching sessions, declare their preference not to discuss a specific issue by simply stating that they do not wish to discuss the issue. The Company agrees to respect such boundaries. Client agrees to take an active role in the coaching process by being absolutely honest with Company and yourself. That includes communicating whatever the client may need to be fully satisfied with the coaching relationship. Real, impactful change takes concentrated effort and time. Company will work diligently to guide the Client. Company cannot guarantee results or successes.
Pursuant to the California Business and Professions Code, Lydia Bachmeier LLC makes the following disclosures: Lydia Bachmeier LLC is a professional practice that provides services that are alternative and complementary to healing arts services licensed by the state.
All services provided are not a substitute for medical, legal, or psychological advice. If you are in crisis or you think you may have an emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. If you're having suicidal thoughts, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to talk to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area at any time (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline). If you are located outside the United States, call your local emergency line immediately.
By purchasing Lydia Bachmeier products, you agree to take full responsibility for any actions taken as a result of said products or sessions. You are agreeing that the Lydia Bachmeier brand and any and all of its employees will not be held liable for any such actions. By purchasing Lydia Bachmeier sessions and products you are agreeing that you are 18 years of age and older. Lydia Bachmeier employees, brand, services, and products do not guarantee that the advice offered will yield specific results, and you are therefore agreeing that we are not responsible for any outcomes. You also agree that all services and products rendered will be nonrefundable.
We offer the following services:
NLP – Using the language of the mind to model excellence and install behavior.
Hypnosis – The bypass of the critical factor of the conscious mind to produce change.
TIME Techniques – Techniques for eliminating negative emotions from the past.
Emotional Freedom Techniques – Techniques for eliminating negative emotions in the now.
Coaching – Performance enhancement with ongoing support using the above techniques.
Breathwork – Balancing of the physical nervous system to support change.
These services are not licensed by the state. The services do not include the practice of medicine or psychology or any other licensed healing art, since we are not licensed physicians.
Your practitioner, Lydia Bachmeier, has the following education, training, experience and other qualifications regarding the services we provide:
Certified Hypnotherapist
Certified NLP Practitioner
Certified TIME Techniques Practitioner
Certified Success Coach
Certified YogaBody Breath Coach
Board Certification by International Board of Coaches and Practitioners
If you have concerns or complaints about the services provided, please speak to us. If we cannot resolve your concerns, you may contact the International Board of Coaches and Practitioners at
6080 Center Dr., Suite 600, Los Angeles CA 90045 or call them at 888-731-8375 or 714-243-8701.
I hereby acknowledge that I have been provided with the above information, have read such, and agree to the terms and conditions of this page.